quinta-feira, 9 de julho de 2015


This matter below was published in January, 2014, but the problem wasn’t solved. It seems be worse now…

9th Frebuary, 2015 - In the city of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia state, a child was born on the bench of reception hall in the maternity hospital. The scene was recorded by cell phone.

Geisa Nascimento, hairdresser

This woman, a hairdresser who was to visit a friend, did the parturition because didn't have any doctor there. In this same day, others two babies were born on the reception hall and one died because the mother didn’t have medical attendance.

 Gisele dos Santos, the dead child’s aunt “It’s sad for a mother hear this notice… a mother who carries her child during nine months in the belly and to know that ended, that her son died …”

Antônio Lúcio Santos, witness:  “In my life I never saw a treatment so terrible to the human being, a treatment as horrible as was this treatment!”

For over one week the women didn't find obstetric doctors in this hospital from Vitória da Conquista, that is considered a model hospital.


Lucio Gonçalves Pereira

17th March, 2015 – Belo horizonte, capital of Minas Gerais state - The man had a crisis of hight blood pressure and the rescue took an hour and a half to arrive. Lucio Gonçalves Pereira, 57 years old, died near his home while was waiting for ambulance of SAMU, the urgency medical service.

Cleide Regina, nursing technician

“The SAMU delayed very much to arrive. If it had arrived fast, he had survived.”
According the relatives, Lucio didn’t had cardiac problems, but he began feel himself very bad, then he went to a drugstore check his blood pressure. Going back to his home, he had a crisis and fell on the street.

Natanael Prudêncio, owner of drugstore

“I checked his blood pressure and it was 20/11. I asked to him wait but he didn’t wait.”
The Municipal Office of Health by statement said that the ambulance broke on the way and a second ambulance was sent.

“The ASU 2 (Advanced Support Unit 2), which went to the place, it had a mechanical problem in the Road Ring, already near to the place. Another unit (ASU 4) was sent to substitute it.” 

Felipe Prado, doctor cardiologist: “In 15 minutes after the crisis, the victim could be saved with the right treatment.”


Juliana Batista dos Santos

17th March, 2015 - Osório city, Rio Grande do Sul state - Juliana Batista dos Santos, 14 years old, fell in the school and spent six days in search of medical care. After several visits to different hospitals, tests revealed that she had a kidney infection, which became widespread by lack of treatment, and she died hours later.

Ana Maria dos Santos, the Juliana’s mother “The doctor said that it isn’t nothing grave… he ordered to her to rest... he ordered to me care her... she would rest and would stay better."

Dr. Flavio Silveira Health Station

Juliane was carried to a health station in Osório city, in the same day of  the accident. As she had hight fever, the doctor prescribed an analgesic to her and she was liberated. In the second day, she came back to the same  health station with throat-ache and she went back to home feeling feber yet. In the third time going to the health station, the girl was examinated with X-ray that don't would have revealed none lesion, then she was discharged from health station. As the pain don't stopped, Juliane went to the hospital of Osório, but was discharged. she  went fast to the Hospital of  Tramandaí city, where she was discharged again.

Hospital of Osório city, Rio Grande do Sul state

Juliane was already very debilitated when was brought by her relatives to the Hospital of Tramandaí again. She was examinated on new tests and waited all the morning for the results. In the afternoon a doctress had diagnosed a kidney infection that would have been caused by the fall in the school. Without treatment, the infection became widespread. After few hours, the girl died.
“I think that was mistake of the doctors.”, said the Juliana’s mother.
The management of the Hospital of Osório affirms that the doctors acted rightly.

Francisco Moro, director of Hospital in Osório: “The exams done at first here in the Hospital of Osório didn’t reveal none disease.”

Josiane dos Santos, the Juliane’s sister: “We want justice… we want justice!”

23th March, 2015 - São Paulo - The old man on the wheelchair screams with pain in a waiting hall of a hospital in São Paulo. Below, scenes of the overloaded waiting hall in the hospital.

The old man don’t resist and faints.

These patients are waiting to pass in the screening of this public hospital from southern zone, in São Paulo. They wait over 3 hours to get a register form, just to wait further to get attendance.

Woman above: “We arrived here at 11:32 a.m. What time is it now?”
Reporter: “It’s 20 to 3 p.m.”

Woman: “Just to get a register form, just to get a register form!”

Children, elders, pregnant, all these people are sharing the same place. They grumble because the wait reaches over nine hours in the Hospital of Pedreira city.

Leandro, 24 years old (picture above), waited one week to have surgery. He suffered an accident by motorcycle and fractured the clavicle and column.  He said: “They know that he need a surgery, but this is a hospital that don't have resource for anything...” An anguishing waiting also for Juarez's wife. She suffered an accident at work and broke her leg. Since eight days she wait a vacancy in the surgery centre. She said: “They speak that we must wait more a week yet. We don't know when the surgery will be done.“ But, according the officials from hospital, at least 70% of these patients have dengue disease. 

This mother wait about 7 hours still her son be attended. She said: “It’s an absurdity, sincerely… an absurdity!” In spite of scenes, the State Office of Health said that persons don’t wait so time for attendance.   


12th May, 2015Fortaleza, capital of Ceará state - There are so much stretcher in the corridors of the biggest public hospital from Ceará state that doctors needed make a kind of map for localize the patients. The indications show those who are near to the refectory, or windows, either who is near the lobby. Pictures reveal that in the municipal hospital there are patients in the floor of corridors. So, the doctors decided count them daily, which was called “corridor – o - meter”, published in the Internet about who is attended in the corridors.

Today, in the five biggest hospitals of emergency and in the nine Quick Attendance Unit (UPA) from Fortaleza almost 400 patients are in the corridors. The situation can be observed in the people who need emergency attendance, and many times they end up desisting after hours of wait, and anyone who need examination, interning and surgery, faces the lack of basic materials.

Edimar Fernandes, Director of Doctors’ Syndicate: “There is surgeon, there is the anesthetist, but you don’t have the suture wire to sew the surgery! Don’t have wire! Don’t have gauze to clean!”

This woman waits for an X-ray examination to see if broke her leg. "They had scheduled the examination in 10 days' time", said her accompanier.

Roberto Cláudio, the Mayor of Fortaleza

Roberto Cláudio, the Mayor of Fortaleza, said that Municipal hospital, which the patients are on the floor of the corridors, is overcrowded, because it receives patients from other cities. "A hospital such as this in São Paulo, in Rio de Janeiro, in Belo Horizonte naturally would attract patients from the capital, from other cities and even from other states, because it's a hospital of excellence."

Mayara Pinheiro, the president of the Doctors' Syndicate

Mayara Pinheiro, the president of the Doctors' Syndicate criticized the mayor's statement: "Characterize this anomaly, this aberration as a normal situation and to say that these patients are receiving proper treatment for their disease is at least an attitude that saddens us very much." Yesterday the government announced the dismissal of the state health secretary.

Henrique Javi, the provisional secretary of Public Healthy

Today, Henrique Javi, the provisional secretary said that the situation is normalizing itself: "We have a super demand, indeed, a super demand that causes us to have difficulty in some moments in this whole situation... all patients who are within the state health system today they are being attended.”


Tamires, a mother

28th May 2015 - São Paulo - “I was already thinking, imagining when she would have one year old, running across home... call me mother…” The daughter didn’t arrive to the reformed house to shelter her. She died in the maternity hospital. Tamires recorded one of attempts for see the medical file of her daughter. The file is a right of the family, and can’t be altered.

“It’s passing by revision. They review everything for check a probable lack of any note”, said the manageress on video above.

Karen Silva Mansosreitch, another mother

The first Karen’s daughter died in the same medical clinic. This file above, without signature, ask to the fellows the alteration on child’s medical record. 

“It’s better do again the nursing records“, in the inscription above.

The couple went to the Justice for have access to medical record, but the documents delivered by hospital are documents of a boy! Their girl didn’t have any disease and she was ready to be discharged from the hospital.

“Testicle”- medical record of a boy

The pictures below show that left side of baby’s body was totally purple. A finger was broken.

“I think that they thrown down our baby” - Karen’s husband

The reports are not just of these two mothers. There are numerous families who denounce malpractice and medical errors. The complaints range from baby death, loss of the uterus and until the mother's death.

Master Clin Hospital and Maternity

The press tried converse either with Dr. Edson Sanchez, who is the responsible, or the manageress, the woman who appears on video, but both didn’t want speak. The denunciation was sent to the Public Defender.  

Artur Pinto Filho, Prosecutor

Artur Pinto Filho, Prosecutor, said: "I will immediately request an investigation, a inspection of the Medical Regional Council from São Paulo and of the Nursing Regional Council from São Paulo, and also the National Health Surveillance Agency. Will be decided about a lawsuit to close the hospital or a lawsuit to the hospital adjusts itself to the rules from Medical Regional Council from São Paulo, the Nursing Regional Council from São Paulo and the National Health Surveillance Agency." The hospital owner and a false doctress were arrested in the Master Clin in 2010. Edson Sanchez had already been investigated on suspicion of involvement in trafficking of babies.


15th June, 2015 - São Paulo - Luiz Felipe, four years old, was submitted to a surgery on 15 April 1992, in the HU - Universitary Hospital of USP – University of São Paulo. Near the end of surgery, he began to wake up. Then, the anesthetist applied more medication and left the room. The boy had a reaction to general anesthesia and cardiac arrest. The medical team took too long to perceive. The device that measures the heartbeat, called oximeter, was off. "This device shows that patient are having a... that your heartbeats are falling. This didn't happen. When the surgeon had perceived, Luiz Felipe was already inert more than five minutes", said Rita, the Luiz Felipe’s mother. Asked about the equipment broken, she said: " Yes, it was broken. According to the doctor, this equipment was broken and he confirmed that already had asked the repair.”

Rita de Cássia de Souza, the mother, and her husband Wellington, the father

Luiz Felipe, after surgery

Luiz Felipe had a severe brain injury and was left with paralysis. The boy who loved playing football, stopped walking, talking and had impaired vision. "The hospital was wrong because the equipment was broken, but the doctor entered to surgery with the equipment don't working, and he was absent at the time of surgery. Felipe stayed with the surgeon. The anesthetist gave anesthesia and got out", said Rita.

“USP admits error and dismisses anesthesiologist”

At the time the Hospital of USP - University of Sao Paulo - acknowledged the error, opened an internal inquiry and dismissed the anesthetist. In court the doctor claimed that left the surgery room to meet another patient. He was sentenced by the courts to pay a fine. The University was also sentenced, and about the oximeter equipment that was broken, tried to defend himself.

Wilma Alves de Oliveira, attorney of Luiz Felipe’s family, at that time

"At the time, they defended themselves very well. They joined with experts in the area of anesthesia  to say that even without the device - the oximeter - the doctor could have done the surgery very well. It was proven that the hospital didn't have technical resources that could give a support to keep the boy's life, inclusive by the fact Oximeter don't work", said Wilma Alves de Oliveira, attorney of Luiz Felipe’s family, at that time.

Boy gets paralytic after surgery phimosis

"It means, in this case maybe the surgery not should have started, right? It’s possible, because the device was not working, the anesthetist could have said 'I will not do it because the device doesn't work.' But none of this was done", said Rita. During three years the family paid all child's treatment with own money.

“The years passed. The people who helped us, who were closer didn't see the unfolding of this process. They died. The Wellington's father and Wellington's sister were the one who helped us a lot", said Rita. Only in 1996 the university began to afford the treatment. It was   too late for save him. Luiz Felipe died in June of that year.

"It means, my son underwent surgery, which there was medical error and he passed away, his death happened 19 years ago, but we didn't receive what was our right or what we spent for a treatment that wasn't our responsibility", said Rita.  in December 2013, the judge set the value of idemnity: 65 million Reais, despite the family didn't demand idemnity for moral damages to justice.

Nevertheless, the USP appealed. Last month, in May, the hospital contested the amounts spent by the family because of problems with bills of sale. "This situation make you believe that you shall to wait. The state need to appeal until the end and you shall to wait. Couldn’t be different for the state? You are assisted by your state, you pay your taxes, you pay your bills… and then, when you are needy, you shall to wait? " – Said Rita.

Twenty years have passed so far, and should take at least five more years till this action in justice finally comes to an end. Only then comes the second part of the wait: to receive the value of idemnity that Luis Felipe's parents have the right, they will face a long, long row of people for whom the state owes money.

There are about 200,000 cases expecting payments only here in São Paulo. The debt of so-called precatories in São Paulo is huge. About 50 billion reais among payments of the city hall and state, including public universities. In this list, the delay can reach to decades!

Maria Elisa Reis, specialist in public rights: "In this case of a boy who underwent surgery of phimosis and left the room paralyzed and then died because complications, it's considered a common case, as a person who only needs to receive a labor debt."

"Today you have no specific ruling to treat this list seriously, right? What happens is that was created a 'monster', which is a endless list, with a very large accumulated debt, and that people who end up spending years to have their cases tried, just to stay in a row waiting more years to be able to receive their rights. So, the feeling of winning and don't take is very frustrating", said Maria Elisa Reis, specialist in public rights. In 2013 only ten persons received the money that was their right, payed by the educational institution.  “But, in these cases when the error is recognized, I wonder that the university could not have negotiated a refund directly with the family? No, because it is a public institution. This is part of our Brazilian law all this way in the courts, preventing a friendly conciliation. “Until the judiciary feels in a situation so... indelicate, because as a judge, he cannot accelerate the sentence", said Wilma.

October, 1992 - Boy’s examination is annexed to process – his family wait aid from Hospital of USP since six months

The case is so old that Miss Wilma, the lawyer who defended the Luiz Felipe's parents for 20 years, moved of city and transferred the case to another lawyer. Detail: The bureaucracy took almost a year to publish his name in the records. Wilma gave up her fees. "It's hard to the attorney who works day after day, say to the family that we won, but doesn't know when will receive, and when you perceive, had passed 10, 15, 20 years and the providence that was requested at the beginning, was not taken", said Wilma. If he were alive, Luiz Felipe would be 27 years old today. Here at home his mother still keeps the son's drawings, a way to remind Luiz Felipe forever.

A drawing by Luis Felipe

Five years after Luiz Felipe’s death, was Born his sister Letícia. She said: "I would want have known him, because he would be my brother, right? There's no way to describe... would be another part of the family... would be different."

Letícia de Souza, 12 years old, the Luis Felipe’s sister

"I will remember Luiz Felipe forever, but today I remember his with this ghost of this thing that  nobody resolves! I am quarreling and fighting. I want my rights. It hurts much... it's worse because it has passed so much time and it's falling by the wayside, and I lost a son!" – said Rita.


“Construction of UPA II – Queimadinha”

“Beginning of works: July, 2012 – Finishing of works: June, 2013”

15th June, 2015 - There was delay, there was no delivered works, there was of everything. This UPA in Feira de Santana, Bahia state (photo) has wall, but don't have ceiling. The work was stopped during one year, was resumed and now the forecast for finishing is September, more than two years later than promised.

Graça Gomes, merchant woman

"At the time of election campaign everyone appears, everyone is nice, just promises. In the need nobody will fulfill the necessary ", Said Graça Gomes, a merchant woman. In Santa Bárbara do Oeste, São Paulo state, seen from the outside, looks that UPA Santa Rita is ready, but it isn't. It was almost finished, just almost.

UPA Santa Rita  -  almost finished.

cracks, broken windows...

...total forsaking

The construction company that began the work didn't fulfill the contract. Now, when the UPA will work, no one knows. "Oh, this is very irresponsible, very irresponsible, because it was to be ready a long time!" – said Genilda da Paz, retired.  "For some time that it is stopped, isn't it? the people from our neighborhood needs it, because often we have to leave here to go there at the Medical Centre, which is ever overloaded and very far." – said João Paulo do Amaral, motoboy.

Genilda da Paz, retired

João Paulo do Amaral, motoboy

43 municipalities were visited in all regions of the country. 88% of UPAs weren't finished. The others UPAs were completed, but 76% of these were finished further later the expected. For NGO Contas Abertas (Exposed Accounts) there are a lot of reasons. "There is a problem of management of the works itself, there is a problem of lack of equipment, there is the problem of inadequate equipment purchases for that place, and there is lack of doctors too. So, all these things makes you spend a lot of money and time to finished these buildings and take too long to use them effectively." – said Gil Castello Branco, secretary-general of NGO Exposed Accounts.

Gil Castello Branco, secretary- general of NGO Exposed Accounts

The Federal Audit Court also found UPAs that don't work, and deteriorate in 6 among 10 states visited. "We found in some cases some completed works that was not in operation, that there was not a due process of surveillance and it was found that there was vandalism in these works, with destruction of part of equipment. The Audit Court determined that a monitoring process be adopted and also the reconstruction of that was vandalized.” – said José Ulisses Vasconcelos, secretary of infrastructure of the Federal Audit Court.

José Ulisses Rodrigues Vasconcelos, secretary of urban infrastructure of the Federal Audit Court

“Ministry of Health – Construction of UPA – Total cost: 2,152 millions Reais – Federal budget: 2 millions Reais – Beginning: September, 2011 - Term to conclude: 10 months”

“Total cost of built: 1,540 millions Reais – Construction of UPA II”

The Audit Court also recommended to the Ministry of Health to verify the UPAs that are still in the works, including sending technicians to see the progress personally and asked to be more careful when sending money, and requires the municipality show what has been done, because there are at least one thousand proposals to construct new UPAs in the country, with value almost 2 billion Reais. The Ministry of Health reported that provides financial and technical support to states and municipalities for the construction of UPAs, but the execution of the works is the direct responsibility of the states and municipalities.

The Ministry of Health also said that has a system of monitoring works, but the Audit court considered that Ministry of Healthy doesn't monitor these works, despite investing money in them. The Secretariat of Health from Feira de Santana, Bahia, said that the construction of that UPA of Queimadinha is scheduled to finish in September. Already the prefecture of Santa Barbara do Oeste reported that the contract was rescinded because the company responsible wasn't accomplishing the schedule of works.


31th January, 2014 - UPAs in Ponta Grossa, Paraná state - The unit was out of operation since it was inaugurated in December, 2012. In April, 2014 it was not working yet. The UPA started to operate in September, 2014 after one year and eight months closed. Cost: 2.5 million Reais.

facade with damaged ceiling

Araguaiana, Tocantins state - the construction of the UPA finished two and a half years, but the prefecture said that lacks money to buy equipment and hire professionals. The Ministry of Health allocated funds more than 2 million Reais for the built.

infiltration and mould...                    …a forgotten generator
This UPA in Patos de Minas, Minas Gerais state, costed 5 million Reais and was completed one year ago. The equipments were almost destroyed when there was rainwater infiltration into the emergency attendance area. The repair was made and the operating is expected in March.

The UPA of Francisco Norato, São Paulo state, is ready and closed a long time. Early, vandals broke into the building, destroyed toilets and even took the electrical wiring. Municipal guards prevented new depredations. The prefecture said the construction did not follow some important rules and all the electric wiring was stolen. The project of a new bid was sent to the Ministry of Health three months ago and the prefecture awaits funds to the reforms. The Ministry of Health had already determined deadline until March for the prefecture present the final documentation and provide the operation of the service. 

The UPA of Carapicuiba, also in São Paulo state, began to be constructed in 2010 and should have been finished a year later. None patient was attended there. This UPA stands in one of the poorest neighborhoods in the city. An ambitious project: In the external area will be installed a basis for SAMU (Medical Attendance Service of Urgency by ambulances) from the region and the main building will be a reference centre for quickly attendance, with capacity to serve up to 400 people per day. But for now, the UPA only works as a warehouse. The budget of this unit is 1.5 million Reais. The prefecture claims that the construction company had abandoned the work, and informs that asked a new bidding process to begin the operation of the UPA in March.

Luis Carlos da Silva, a community leader: "So, empty truck comes here, they take the machinery here for carry to other places, now I  ask: Do they just come in and come out? So it's only a warehouse. When will be the opening?"

Source: G1 News: http://g1.globo.com/bom-dia-brasil/noticia/2014/01/flagrantes-mostram-upas-fechadas-e-ate-abandonadas-em-todo-o-pais.html